Elabuga conceals something mystical, attracts the soul like a magnet and talks with it in the language of beauty. (Rafael Ishburiev)

Articles catalog :: Museums Elabuga

Memorial complex of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

The square of M.I. Tsvetaeva, Literary Museum, the House of Memory, Library of Silver Age, the Church of the Protection of the Mother of God, the museum "Portomoynya”, cafe and protected zone of Petropavlovskoe cemetery with the grave of the poet – those are the objects of the world's only memorial complex of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

Square of Tsvetaeva M.I.

??????? ????????????? ????????? ????????? ?. ?.The square of Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva unites on its territory many objects of memorial complex – those are the monument to the poet, Literary Museum, Library of Silver Age, the House of Memory and others. Opening of the square was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Marina Tsvetaeva. Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Z.R. Valeeva, grand-niece of Marina Tsvetaeva O.A. Trukhacheva, Russian and foreign guests were present on the opening.

 Literary Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva.

An outstanding poet of the twentieth century, Marina Tsvetaeva was born in Moscow on September 26, 1892. The beginning of exposition acquaints us with the childhood. Marina grew up in atmosphere of high art – her mother was a talented pianist, her father – the founder of the Museum of Fine Arts (now Pushkin Museum of Visual Arts).

Continuation of the exposition tells about the life and work of the poet – meeting with Sergey Efron, childbirth, seventeen-year-emigration to the Czech Republic and France. Lifetime editions either of Marina Tsvetaeva and her contemporaries – Anna Akhmatova, N. Gumilev, A. Blok, O. Mandelstam and others are presented.

The biggest section of the exhibition is “Evacuation – Elabuga”. Here a honourable place have things that belonged to Marina Tsvetaeva – teaspoons, notes paper, cameo – father’s gift, a dish bought by her in Germany in 1922; hair strand of Marina Ivanovna and powder-box of her daughter Ariadna. And also copies of M.I. Tsvetaeva letters from the archives of the NKVD.

House of Memory of Marina Tsvetaeva.

??? ?????? ????????? ? ???????By the placement of City Council Marina Ivanovna and her son got a room in the house of Brodelschikovy by address: Voroshilova str., house 10 (now street Malaya Pokrovskaya, 20). In the House of Memory the atmosphere of August 1941 was significantly restored. Things of Brodelschikovy’s family: chest, sewing machine, wall mirror, dishes.


The atmosphere of the unseen presence of the Marina Ivanovna reigns here as though she came out for a while and will be back soon. There is her beret on unpacked suitcases, on the couch – a knitted blanket. Motionless time left Marina Tsvetaeva LIVE in Elabuga. Everyone here can feel “eternal twilight and eternal bells”. The main value is the note-book of Marina Ivanovna that was taken out of her apron after the tragedy.

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